Monday, October 10

Media Covers 'Occupy Wall Street'

In recent weeks, the large protest "Occupy Wall Street" has grown so large that police are blocking the entrance to Wall Street.  I was declined a picture by the NYPD officers guarding the large gate blocking the street, but noticed that they were watching the pedestrians who tried to pass through.
"We The People, are NOT terrorists," screams Billy Lamont (right).   Describing himself as "a poet offering support," Lamont read his poetry to a crowd at the entrance of Liberty Square.  Standing beneath a large red statue, Lamont is being recorded by many bystanders as well as his own photographer.
"A lot of [the media] have been very good to us," says Daniel Lavine, 22, a film student at Baruch College running the information booth.   "Except the New York Times, there is no excuse for their coverage of this movement."  After openly expressing  his frustration with the Times' decision to send a fashion journalist, Lavine said, "she was only interested in interviewing the suits."
"I'm proud that we broke through the media block after those first six days.  I was just talking to the girl who got pepper sprayed and she's filed a law suit for repressing her first amendment rights," Lavine explains.

A local news reporter broadcasts live to her news station, interviewing one of the protestors.  Behind them stands another protestor holding an American Flag.  However, the stars have been replaced with the logos of major companies.
Above, CNN reporters sit in their vans after getting coverage of Liberty Square.  Although he asked to remain anonymous, a camera man said, "We're actually not allowed to talk to you, but if you go find of our reporters they might speak to you... Just don't tell them I said so!"
After getting an anonymous tip from another camera man, Susan Candiotti of CNN declined comment but apologized .  "I'm sorry, if you call the PR Department and tell them specifically where this will be published they might let me speak to you."  

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